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17. září 2017 v 13:34
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Adam Novosad

Upřímnost stála modelku na Instagramu desítky tisíc fanoušků. Namísto fotek v plavkách začala přidávat realističtější momentky

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Sophie jednoho dne pochopila, že svoji motivaci přehnala.

Sophie Gray byla dlouho obyčejnou fitness modelkou na Instagramu, jejíž profil byl neustále zaplněn hubnutím, dietami a fotografiemi její vypracovaného těla v plavkách či v posilovně. Snažila se svých více než 400 tisíc fanoušků motivovat a ukázat jim, jak o své tělo pečovat, co není dobré konzumovat a jak je zdravý životní styl důležitý, jenže po čase si uvědomila, že to už přehání. Nic v životě prý netřeba přehánět, a proto před pár měsíci udělala tlustou čáru a zapřísahala se, že na svůj profil už nepřidá ani jednu fotografii v plavkách. Zjistila, že podobné fotky vyvolávaly u mnoha fanoušků psychické stavy, po kterých přestávali jíst, aby zhubli a vypadali jako ona, ale to nikdy nebylo jejím cílem.

Namísto přehnané fitness motivace proto začala přidávat upřímné a realistické fotografie ze svého života, pod kterými vysvětlovala, že pizza i sušenky jsou chutné, a pokud na ně má člověk chuť, neměl by se výrazně omezovat. Netvrdí, že se o sebe lidé nemají starat, ale konečně pochopila, že přehnaný, až extrémní fitness život ji omezoval více, než by bylo zdrávo. I při pojídání pizzy a sušenek se o sebe Sophie dokáže starat a udržuje si výbornou postavu, protože pokud i přes den sní cosi navíc, vždy to dokáže vyvážit v posilovně nebo i rozumným zásahem do svého jídelníčku. Na chvíli ji sice zarmoutilo, že po přechodu od fotek v plavkách k upřímnosti ztratila více než 70 tisíc followerů, jenže je mnohem spokojenější s lidmi, kteří se na ni přijdou podívat jako na obyčejnou ženu namísto fanoušků, které zajímala pouze její odhalena postava.

Today I had a moment where I was disgusted with what I saw in the mirror. Heart breaking. I haven't been working out like I used to. My body has shifted back to where it wants to be. For years I hated how my legs naturally looked. So, I worked out. I controlled what I ate. I did everything I could to shove my legs into a box that they did not belong in. In that moment I was reminded what it felt like to base your opinion of yourself off of how you look. In that moment, the very sight of my thighs erased all of the good in my life. The favour I did for my boyfriend? Pointless. The joy I felt while holding my baby niece? Didn't matter. The appreciation I feel for my life? Gone. My entire life revolved around the mere sight of my legs. But, FUCK THAT. No. No. No. I am not defined by my legs, and if I was, that still makes me awesome - because every inch of my outer shell is an absolute gift to this world. But, I am so much grander than my legs. I am important, worthy and incredible simply because I showed up to life. And so are you. I know what it's like to define myself by my body. I understand what it's like to be a slave to the scale. But, I want you to know, that at the end of the day those things don't define you. Your presence is needed here, and is wonderful. You are wonderful, just fucking wonderful. End of story. Period. That's it. That's all. You are a queen, love.

Příspěvek sdílený Sophie Gray (@wayofgray),

One of my biggest insecurities has been triggered lately. Rejection. We recently started doing events in and around my city and it has been making me hella nervous. Will people show up? Will they like me? Will it succeed? I have been allowing my insecurities to hold me back so much that I haven’t actually been talking about these workshops on my @wayofgray account. While I understand my fear of rejection, I never truly understood how deep the issue ran. Last night I had a dream that helped me understand a bit better. I was running a workshop and all of my peers from high school were there. They were questioning what I was saying, making tons of noise and telling me how lame what I do is. When I woke up it was clear that I was allowing the experiences I had in my past to greatly impact the choices I was making surrounding these events. Can you relate? Is there something from your past that is holding you back? Is there an uncertainty or insecurity that you don’t totally understand? Could there have been some kind of event from your childhood that triggered these emotions? After exploring the dream a bit more, I mentioned to my boyfriend how running the events make me feel at home. They’re where I allow my truth to shine through. In my past I had been rejected for who I truly was and because of this, I drastically changed myself, just hoping I'd fit in. But, that's not happening this time. I'm not allowing my insecurities to hold me back - and you shouldn't either. We are awesome, just as we are. Our experiences from the past do not define us, if we don't let them. You are the one who runs your life. Remember that. That all being said, I'm super excited to announce our next workshop here in #YEG! It's going to be a delicious brunch and journaling session on June 3rd! We have early bird pricing up now through the link in my bio! Can't wait to meet our local ladies there!

Příspěvek sdílený Sophie Gray (@wayofgray),

This photo isn't going to get as many likes as others on my page. Why? Well, it's not super exciting. It's not glamorous. It's not something to "aspire to". But, this is real life. Basically every person on this planet gets pimples, or has cellulite, or uneven skin tone. They have greasy hair days and drop food on white shirts. They go through periods of tears and sadness - as well as period of total and complete joy. I went shopping today and was trying on some clothes. As I was switching in and out of the pieces, I couldn't help but feel like my body was inadequate. I couldn't help but focus on these pimples, or my bloated stomach and mosquito bitten legs. Oh and don't forget my uneven tone. But, I took a second to step back. Who was I comparing myself to? Girls on social media? News flash, I am considered one of those girls. I have my photos shared across "fitspo" accounts with people saying how I have the perfect body. Those images represent nothing. They're not real. Sure, it's me in the images, but there was fake tan, certain angles or only specific light. There was weeks of preparation and a starving body. The girl who was standing in front of the mirror is who I truly am. And that's a person who's deserving of love - because she's human and my pimples, bloated stomach, and cellulite are the things that make me human. So, regardless of whether you look like the "girls on social media" or not, you are absolutely and completely perfect just the way you are. Pimples, and all. End of story. No if ands or buts about it. You also have a great butt, so there's that, too. *EDIT.. this isn't about my desire to get likes or be accepted. It's a fact that these types of posts get less engagement. And that's okay - but it's important to be reminded what's real on social media so you don't constantly feel like you're not enough*

Příspěvek sdílený Sophie Gray (@wayofgray),

This photo isn't going to get as many likes as others on my page. Why? Well, it's not super exciting. It's not glamorous. It's not something to "aspire to". But, this is real life. Basically every person on this planet gets pimples, or has cellulite, or uneven skin tone. They have greasy hair days and drop food on white shirts. They go through periods of tears and sadness - as well as period of total and complete joy. I went shopping today and was trying on some clothes. As I was switching in and out of the pieces, I couldn't help but feel like my body was inadequate. I couldn't help but focus on these pimples, or my bloated stomach and mosquito bitten legs. Oh and don't forget my uneven tone. But, I took a second to step back. Who was I comparing myself to? Girls on social media? News flash, I am considered one of those girls. I have my photos shared across "fitspo" accounts with people saying how I have the perfect body. Those images represent nothing. They're not real. Sure, it's me in the images, but there was fake tan, certain angles or only specific light. There was weeks of preparation and a starving body. The girl who was standing in front of the mirror is who I truly am. And that's a person who's deserving of love - because she's human and my pimples, bloated stomach, and cellulite are the things that make me human. So, regardless of whether you look like the "girls on social media" or not, you are absolutely and completely perfect just the way you are. Pimples, and all. End of story. No if ands or buts about it. You also have a great butt, so there's that, too. *EDIT.. this isn't about my desire to get likes or be accepted. It's a fact that these types of posts get less engagement. And that's okay - but it's important to be reminded what's real on social media so you don't constantly feel like you're not enough*

Příspěvek sdílený Sophie Gray (@wayofgray),

"You need to put on some mascara, Sophie." "A colourful lipstick is all you need, Sophie." "Brush out your hair. It's a mess, Sophie." "Don't wear that. It doesn't compliment your figure, Sophie." "Watch your mouth, Sophie." "You should really try this acne cream, Sophie." "Smile more, Sophie." "Don't wear that. You'll send out the wrong message, Sophie." "Show a bit more skin, Sophie." "Don't get bangs. They won't work for your face shape, Sophie." "You need to use concealer under your eyes, Sophie." "Be more authentic, Sophie." "That's so weird, Sophie." "You should workout harder if you want to reach your goals, Sophie." "Shush, Sophie." "Speak up. It's rude to just sit there, Sophie." "Don't worry what other people think, Sophie." How are these words shaping who you are?

Příspěvek sdílený Sophie Gray (@wayofgray),

Today I had breakfast, went to the farmers market, had chocolate covered almonds, lunch, and this doughnut. I also plan to work out, go to the dog park and have dinner. To some this may sound like a super average day. And it is - but to me, this is the type of day "the fitness @wayofgray" was having me miss out on. For her, there was always a photo shoot coming up. What if those chocolate covered almonds ruined the photos? What if the workout wasn't tough enough? BREAD?! I know this may sound silly. I may be called vain, or foolish or some other word to belittle my experience. Not understanding this experience doesn't mean it wasn't real for me. You may also think I'm encouraging others to be unhealthy, and that's not it either. I understand that @wayofgray's old images may have been inspiring. And, to that I say there are tons of those accounts you can follow for those images. But, I know those images were damaging for many. While I believe we all must take accountability for our experiences, it doesn't make contributing to others insecurities any easier. But, most importantly, those images made Sophie Gray feel inadequate. Everything I did revolved around those photos. I was constantly worrying about my body image because my "worth" through this channel depended on it. Again, this can make me seem vain. But, I was the one behind the account for 3 years. I saw what images performed better. I saw what people wanted to see - fitter, thinner, more defined, & perfect. This is why @wayofgray is what it is now. This is why I'm here talking about accepting the shit out of yourself. This is why I want you to fucking love yourself. Because, if you always think you have to be something to be enough, you never will be. But, if you can wrap your head around the truth that you are enough exactly as you are, freedom awaits you. Freedom from others judgement. Freedom from your food fears. Freedom from your insecurities. And freedom from needing to be someone or something other than yourself. You, exactly as you are now, are enough. PS.. quiz through my link in my bio to see how you feel about yourself! Plus free gifts! ❤

Příspěvek sdílený Sophie Gray (@wayofgray),
