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1. května 2022 v 12:15
Čas čtení 0:59
Radim Šlechta

Podaří se ti uspět v didaktickém testu z angličtiny? Ověř svoje znalosti na těchto otázkách

Podaří se ti uspět v didaktickém testu z angličtiny? Ověř svoje znalosti na těchto otázkách
Zdroj: Pixabay / libellule789 / volně k užití
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Vyzkoušej si, jak by se ti podařila maturitní zkouška, se kterou se potkali loňští maturanti.

Maturanti z celé České republiky budou psát didaktické testy od 2. do 5. května. Část zkoušky prověří jejich dovednosti z českého jazyka a jazyka cizího (případně matematiky). Didaktický test z anglického jazyka připadá na pondělí 2. května a jeho začátek je naplánován pro všechny studenty na 13:00. 

Zvládneš didaktický test z češtiny? Vyzkoušej si ho na těchto otázkách Zvládneš didaktický test z češtiny? Vyzkoušej si ho na těchto otázkách 1. května 2022 v 12:00

Zkouška z anglického jazyka se skládá z několika částí. V první z nich budou mít studenti k dispozici několik nahrávek a v souvisejících otázkách budou prokazovat své poslechové schopnosti. Další části představují kombinaci testování porozumění textu a slovní zásoby. V testu se objeví otevřené otázky se stručnou odpovědí i uzavřené otázky s „nápovědou“ v podobě výběru správných odpovědí.

Zdroj: TASR/Ján Krošlák

Dohromady má test z angličtiny (i z ostatních cizích jazyků) devět částí a skládá se z 64 úloh. Na test budeš mít dohromady 110 minut. Prvních 40 se věnuje poslechu, zbývajících 70 minut budeš mít čas na řešení psaných úloh. 

Pokud tě zajímá, jestli by se ti maturitní zkouška podařila, nebo chceš otestovat své znalosti nanečisto, vyzkoušej si kvíz, který jsme pro tebe připravili. Vybrali jsme náhodně otázky ze psané části zadání z minulého roku. Nezapomeň nám dát vědět do komentářů, jak se ti test povedl. A jestli tě zajímají tipy, jak se na zkoušku připravit nebo jak samotný průběh zkoušky vypadá, obojí v tomto článku.

Státní maturitní zkoušku v České republice zajišťuje Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání (CERMAT), z materiálů, které zveřejnil na internetových stránkách jsme vybírali i otázky kvízu. Pokud si budeš chtít vyzkoušet více testů, najdeš je právě na těchto stránkách.

Jak by se ti podařil didaktický test z angličtiny?
What makes French fries from Surf’n’Fries different from other French fries according to the article? (Výchozí text najdeš v obrázku)
What makes French fries from Surf’n’Fries different from other French fries according to the article? (Výchozí text najdeš v obrázku)
Their price
Their taste
Their shape
Their preparation
What does Emma say about her getting to work by train?
Zdroj: CVVZ
What does Emma say about her getting to work by train?
It takes her less time than driving.
It gives her time to prepare for work.
It’s cheaper than getting to work by bus for her.
It’s the most comfortable way of travelling for her.
What does Arthur think about football?
Zdroj: CZZV
What does Arthur think about football?
It’s a safe game.
It’s a smart game.
It’s boring to watch.
It’s easy to learn to play.
Doplň do textu vhodné chybějící slovo:
Zdroj: Royalparks.org.uk, CVVZ
Doplň do textu vhodné chybějící slovo:
Vyber odpověď, která splní požadavky dvojice z textu. Charlie and his brother want to visit a recreation area next weekend and hire bikes there. They will only visit a recreation area which is no more than 30 miles away by car from Gowden. They don’t care if there’s a fee for parking their car at the recreation area.
Mollytore Recreation Area: The recreation area is especially popular with visitors from Gowden, a town which is a 29-mile drive away. It is open every day and the easiest way to get therefrom Gowden is by car. You can park inthe car park in front of the entrance to the recreation area for £5 a day. You can also hire bikes there. Renting inline skates used to be possible, but not anymore. Feel free to bring your own.
Gottley Recreation Area: The area is open every day except for next weekend when it is closed for a private event. If you come by car, you don’t have to worry about a parking fee, as parking at the car park there is free. The area is only a 25-mile drive from Gowden, and25 more miles away from Tadger. The area offers bikes for hire right at the entry gate. This is the only rental service provided by the recreation area.
South Riding Recreation Area: The recreation area is popular withbikers and inline skaters. Most of them drive to this area 20 miles from Gowdento enjoy bike paths and inline skating routes. You can hire either bikes or inline skates there. A fee is also required to park your car at the car park at the entranceto the recreation area. Apart from next weekend, the area is open every day so you are welcome to visit.
Dawlyn Recreation Area: Just a 28-mile drive from Gowden, itis the only private recreation area inthe region. Visitors aren’t charged anyfees to park their car at the car park rightat the entrance. The area is open only at weekends, weekdays are for private events. Attention! The place where visitors could hire a bike for a small fee is now closed.But instead, for £6 a day you can rent inline skates at the entrance.
...Then one day, when I was 20, I was accepted to the Vancouver Institute of Photography. I couldn’t wait to go, but unfortunately getting to Vancouver seemed like an UNFEASIBLE thing because there were too many difficult things to do before leaving. Getting a visa, for example, was so hard that I almost gave up and stayed at home. But I really wanted to go, so giving up was not acceptable to me. So I kept trying. I knew I had to manage all the difficult things, and I did, but these times were exhausting. I didn’t expect such difficulties. However, if I had to experience it again to get to Vancouver, I would. It was absolutely worth it... Co znamená slovo unfeasible, uvedené v textu?
Evelyn and her cousin want to visit a recreation area no more than a 30-mile drive from Gowden. Although they were planning to go there next week on a weekday, now they can only go next weekend. They want to rent inline skates there. They don’t care about parking fees. Jakou lokalitu doporučíš dvojici z textu?
Dalhon Recreation Area: You can enjoy ponds in this area, whichis a 25-mile drive from Aldridge and a 35-mile drive from Gowden, and it is open every day. Visitors can enjoy inline skating as there are miles of inline skating routes in the area. It offers inline skates of all sizes to rent. It is the area’s only rental service provided. If you come by car, a car park is available for free at the gate tothe area.
Mollytore Recreation Area: The recreation area is especially popular with visitors from Gowden, a town which is a 29-mile drive away. It is open every day and the easiest way to get therefrom Gowden is by car. You can park inthe car park in front of the entrance tothe recreation area for £5 a day. You can also hire bikes there. Renting inline skates used to be possible, but not anymore. Feel free to bring your own.
Martdoor Recreation Area: Would you like to enjoy some fresh airat the weekend or on a weekday? Then come to Martdoor recreation area, 32 miles south of Gowden by car. If you don’t feel like hiking, you can rent both bikes and inline skates there. There’s a car park atthe entrance to the area and you can leave your car there if you don’t mind paying. Leaving your car anywhere else nearthe area is not allowed.
Dawlyn Recreation Area: Just a 28-mile drive from Gowden, itis the only private recreation area inthe region. Visitors aren’t charged anyfees to park their car at the car park right at the entrance. The area is open only at weekends, weekdays are for private events. Attention! The place where visitors could hire a bike for a small fee is now closed. But instead, for £6 a day you can rent inline skates at the entrance.
...Over 12.8 million people come to Hyde Park each year. Such large numbers of people, however, are becoming a problem. For example, some visitors are destroying the environment they came to enjoy. For this reason, there are certain rules which visitors have to ******, otherwise they may get a fine... Které slovo patří do vynechaného prostoru (******)?
"When I was 14, I spent most of my time on the streets of Rio de Janeiro. My father, who worked as a driver, had left our family so I had to help my mother. She has sold goods at the market all her life. As a child, I spent time with her at the market, but I still had some spare time to play football with my friends. They all dreamt of becoming famous footballers and giving interviews to journalists after winning a match. I didn’t. I wanted to do the interviews rather than give them – but not with famous footballers, I wanted to write articles about life on the streets. I wanted people to read in newspapers about how street kids, poor drivers and sellers live. I just refused to end up driving around like my dad, or doing my mum’s job, although she expected me to (...)" What did he want to be when he was fourteen?
A seller
A driver
A journalist
A footballer
„...One of the top activities for _________ tourists and Londoners is boating onthe Serpentine. The Serpentine, a large man-made lake, _________ at the south endof the park. Just southwest of the lake is the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain...“ Jaká kombinace odpovědí se nejlépe hodí do vynechaných míst textu o Hyde Parku.
Both–Is Located
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