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25. dubna 2023 v 8:30
Čas čtení 0:27
Radim Šlechta

KVÍZ: Zvládneš maturitu z angličtiny?

KVÍZ: Zvládneš maturitu z angličtiny?
Zdroj: TASR/Roman Hanc
Uložit Uložené

Vyzkoušej si, jestli jsi na tom se znalostmi lépe než maturanti.

Na začátku května skládají studenti a studentky část maturitní zkoušky z angličtiny, která je společná pro všechny. Je v ní třeba prokázat poslechové schopnosti, znalost gramatiky a porozumění textu v cizím jazyce.

KVÍZ: Odmaturuješ z povinné četby? KVÍZ: Odmaturuješ z povinné četby? 24. dubna 2023 v 8:30

Pokud tě zajímá, jak takový test vypadá, a chceš se na něj připravit nebo se jen zčásti vžít do toho, jak den maturujících vypadá, připravili jsme si pro tebe modelový kvíz. Jeho otázky vychází z testů Cermatu z jarního a podzimního termínu minulého roku. A jestli chceš ještě trochu procvičovat, najdeš další zadání a řešení z uplynulých let na těchto stránkách.

Kvíz: Vyzkoušej si maturitní zkoušku z ekonomie Kvíz: Vyzkoušej si maturitní zkoušku z ekonomie 21. dubna 2023 v 11:00

Nezapomeň se pochlubit v komentářích, jak se ti test povedl, a pokud tě příští týden čeká didaktický test ve třídě, držíme ti palce!

KVÍZ: Dáš didaktický test z angličtiny?
Who made Henry Dawson upset during his Czech class yesterday?
Zdroj: Cermat
1 10
Who made Henry Dawson upset during his Czech class yesterday?
the teacher
the receptionist
the cleaning lady
the other students
Who did Steve first hear about Nessie from?
Zdroj: Cermat
2 10
Who did Steve first hear about Nessie from?
from a guide
from his dad
from his mum
from his classmates
3 10
Která odpověď nejlépe plní požadavky Jakea a Susie: „They want to hire a person to help them regularly clean their big flat. They don’t care if he/she is experienced in cleaning homes but he/she must be available on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1 pm to 5 pm.“
Lucy Wilkins: I am a friendly and reliable lady. I have been babysitting children for five years now and I love it. So if you need someone to look after your kids while you are doing something else, call me! I can take them to a park or play board games with them in their room. Whatever they like. I am available on all weekdays from 1 pm to5 pm. Call 1225 507233.
Deisha Jones: Do you not have enough time to make your home tidy? Get help from me, Deisha Jones, a nice and reliable lady with four years of experience in housekeeping. I will make your home tidy and like new again. My schedule is already full on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, so I am free only on Tuesdays and Thursdays but from 8 am to 12 am only. I need the afternoons for myself. Call 1225 484219.
Olivia Morrison: Looking for a nice and reliable lady to look after your children? Then call me! I offera lot of ideas for activities, either indoor or outdoor. I have done this job many times before, so no worries! It doesn’t matter if it’s morning or late afternoon, I am available all day long. I can come no more than twice a week, just choose which days you would like me to come. Call 1225 890714.
Shannon Chadwick: I am available any day up to any three times a week but not more. I can help you with the washing up, emptying the bins, cleaning the floors and anything else that needs cleaning. I can come in the morning or in the afternoon, either works for me. I have never cleaned other people’s homes before but my advantage is my personality: I am friendly and reliable. Call 1225 383111.
4 10
„Everybody knows what a polar bear or a grizzly bear looks like. But _________ you heard of a pizzly?“ Doplň vhodné slovo na vynechané místo.
5 10
Které slovo se hodí na vynechané místo v následující větě? Bears like these had been born in zoos _________, but the 2006 meeting was the first recorded meeting between a human and a hybrid bear in the wild.
6 10
One of the first people who _________ to journalists about such a meeting was hunter Roger Kuptana. Které slovo bys doplnil*a na vynechané místo?
7 10
Eric chce na komentovanou prohlídku na Floridě. Jaký výlet bys mu doporučil*a podle jeho požadavků? He is looking for a guided plane tour for just himself and his mum, who would like to see some of Florida’s natural sites from above. He wants to go this Saturday and be back while the sun is still up. He can pay up to $200 per person.
Best guided plane tours over Florida? FloFly has planes to take either two or four people on a sightseeing tour over Everglades National Park, south of the city of Miami. FloFly planes take off from its private airport on the edge of the park every afternoon and the pilots make sure everybody is back before sunset.Price: $229 per person. Special offer next Sunday: only $199 per person! Don’t wait! Call 850-401-2089.
Would you like to go on a plane tour and take one person with you? Call ScanFly! It offers guided plane tours for two over Florida’s natural sites, especially Everglades National Park, south of Miami. ScanFly’s planes take off from its private airport on the southern edge of the city of Miami every afternoon, and return before sunset. Besides the pilot, a guide will be on board with you. Price: $390 for two people. Phone: 850-303-3004.
Do you want to see the sunset over Florida from a plane? SkyAir always takes off before sunset and returns after dark. So book a plane tour with SkyAir and take one person with you! In their planes, two people can experience a plane tour either over the city of Miami or over Everglades National Park, south of Miami, always with a guide. Special offer this Saturday: only $399 for two! That’s 20% off the regular price of $479. Call 850-302-1407.
Do you want to experience something special in Florida? Then call HotView! HotView takes one or two people in its small planes from its private airport in Miami, Florida to see the city of Miami with a guide and an experienced pilot. You can fly in daylight or at night. If you want to see the sunset from the plane, that’s possible, too. No plane tours over natural sites are available now. Price: $199 per person.Call 850-304-0905.
8 10
Které slovo bys doplnil*a na vynechané místo? It feels like yesterday that I was on a plane flying to Canada not knowing what to expect. Now I’m back home with _________ memories and I’m writing about my exchange student experience.
a lot
lot of
lots of
What is the best title for this article?
Zdroj: Cermat
9 10
What is the best title for this article?
Animal Toys for Buckingham Palace
A Big Surprise from Buckingham Palace
An Unusual Gift to the Queen from a Girl
A Special Letter to the Queen by a Teacher
10 10
My host dad, David, was an English teacher and we often spent time _________ about the language. Jaký tvar slovesa „to talk“ se nejlépe hodí na vynechané místo?
to talk
Vyhodnotit kvíz