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6. listopadu 2017 v 19:06
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Adam Novosad

Instagramová fitness modelka ukázala, jak vypadá opravdové těhotenské tělo. Už ji nebavilo žít v dokonalé iluzí, kterou si lidé vytvořili

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Nabrala odvahu a začala na Instagramu ukazovat realitu.

V dnešním světě plném iluzí a internetové dokonalosti je každý pokus o přirozenost příjemným závanem. Fitness blogerka Fenella Scarlett McCall ještě před pár měsíci otěhotněla a dlouho přemýšlela, jak zakomponovat své rostoucí bříško mezi své fotografie dlouho dokonalé postavy. Nakonec se v červenci rozhodla, že se vykašle na jakékoliv pózy a se svými followery začala sdílet pravidelné změny na svém těle bez přikrašlování.

Fenella se na Instagramu svěřovala i se svými neustále se měnícími pocity, které přicházejí s těhotenstvím, protože jeden den byla plná energie a na druhý den upadla do úplné letargie. Postupem času se naučila akceptovat i své strie a zvětšující se kůži v okolí stehen. Těhotenství přitom nebylo vůbec jednoduché a objevily se i náročné situace, kdy v období 15. týdne zjistila, že přibrala dvojnásobně více, než kolik lékaři doporučovali. Nejdůležitější je podle ní naučit se žít se svým měnícím se tělem, ale určitě to vše stojí za nádherný moment, který se dostaví hned po porodu.

Embracing the rolls, cellulite and weight gain of pregnancy ☺ Shifting my attention to feeling positive, with goals of health and happiness, instead of ‘least weight gain and stay as toned as possible’ - which was stressing me the fuck out Taking each new day as it comes- doing my best to get in a walk every day, while eating as healthy as I can for bub. Also, working on being kind to myself ‍♀. Like Fen, you bloody superstar- THERE’S A HUMAN GROWING INSIDE YOU I’m feeling him KICK It’s so incredible! The little guy has a mind of his own and he’s chosen me to carry him into the world! Wow .. I’m pretty excited for the cuddles ahead. I’ve had some whacky body things happen during pregnancy that have brought up feelings of shame, but then I realise this is ALLLLL part of life. I’m meant to go through this stuff. So I’m just sitting back and learning. Absorbing and accepting. It’s been the most amazing gift I’ve ever been given #22weeks #babybump #secondtrimester

Příspěvek sdílený Fenella Scarlett McCall (@fitfenji),

I've almost put on double the amount of 'recommended weight gain' and I'd be lying if I said it didn't worry me .. I've been looking at other women who are the same number of weeks or further along than me thinking 'oh dear Fen, you are getting too big.' My inner critic is always first in line to share a thought . So I need to take a moment... A moment to realise that in the first 13 weeks I was completely thrown by this pregnancy gig. The usual food I craved- healthy/ veggies/ fruit made me feel . The only relief I got, seemed to come in the form of... CARBSSSS... Preferably starting with the letter P .. I couldn't exercise either. Utter exhaustion, along with an almost debilitating depression kept me on the couch. With that, came the negative self talk. I honestly wondered if I'd ever feel like 'me' again. The person I got to know since getting clean 2 years ago- who I had worked so hard to find and learn to love. But since coming into the second trimester, at the start of week 14, I'm finally feeling 'okay' again. Energy is coming back, but my healthy habits have been broken . So it's time to put in EFFORT. Silence the 'I can't be bothered' head and put in the bloody action . These last few days I've starting walking again (seriously- I wasn't even moving before ) AND it feels fucking fantastic . Even just 20-30 mins... I'm also attempting to make healthy food choices- but this habit has been WAY harder for me .. So I just gotta stay determined... Anyway, just thought I'd share where I'm at.. lol- I feel like this might be really boring to read but whatevs .. Love to all and any other preggo ladies who also might be in struggle town xxxx #secondtrimester #15weekspregnant

Příspěvek sdílený Fenella Scarlett McCall (@fitfenji),

Half way through the second trimester now Today I noticed my belly button is starting to do strange things, potentially on it’s way to popping out Oh man- the things!!!! The changes! So whacky and so cool. So I’ve been struck down the last three days with an awful cold which had me stressing for baby and also cause of no exercise and no walking (due to exhaustionnnn )- so I’ve been left at home alone with me, myself and I annnndd well ✋... Let’s just say, when I saw my partner after he finished work all hell broke loose So hormonal and needy! I NEED MY MUM, oh wait, hang on, soon that’s gonna be me- oh dear..... .. Anyway, everything with lil Bub is great and I should be better after one more night of sleep (putting out the feelers ). Just been eating a TON of veggies, resting and accepting that’s all I can do. A la natural Trying to steer clear of all meds when and where possible! I start my hypnobirthing classes soon ‍♀ Anyone else done a drug free birth?? Nervous but I really feel this is for me Anyway..... that’s all I’ve got... baiiiiiiii

Příspěvek sdílený Fenella Scarlett McCall (@fitfenji),
